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Managing hackathons made easy

Manage your hackathons with ease. Go from idea to launch of a hackathon within 5 minutes. We provide you with the best scheduling software for your hackathons. Even if you have never planned a hackathon before.
Schedule your hackathon within 5 minutes
Preview banner of the scheduling options of hackathon.camp

A better way to organize hackathons

With hackathon.camp, you can schedule your hackathons blazingly fast. Find a theme, schedule your timeline, plan the team matching, and figure out how to determine a winner. Everything with hackathon.camp within 5 minutes.

Schedule your hackathon

With our intelligent platform, you can schedule your hackathon in an optimized way for the best results. We provide you with good tooling to plan. But also to change the hackathon schedule if there are drastic changes. And keep everyone up to date.

Product Example

Scheduling made easy

Get everything about your hackathon scheduled. From the actual project submissions, over to team assignments, then to the actual hackathon, and finishing it with a presentation and voting. We got you covered.

Product Example

Present and vote for projects

hackathon.camp provides you the best utilities to collect the presentations by the teams and collect them into a nice presentation that can be shown to everyone in the company. The winning project can be also determined in the platform: Via the whole organization or with a jury.

Product Example

Smooth presentations

Collect presentations by each team via video or a google slides presentation. Our platform will collect all the information and merge them intelligently together for you to present to the whole company in an easy way.

Easy voting

Choose one of the voting modes hackathon.camp provides: Voting for the whole company and voting via a jury. With our platform, you can choose what is the best voting mode fitting for you.

Product Example

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